Thursday, August 1, 2013

Proven Allergy Fighters



Olive Oil

According to a study published in the journal "Nature" in 2005, a compound found within extra virgin olive oil, or EVOO, has been shown to have a natural anti-inflammatory effect. This compound, oleocanthal, gives EVOO anti-inflammatory properties similar to that of cortisol and may account for this long-known benefit of a 

White Willow Bark

Since early Egyptian times 3,500 years ago, extracts from the bark of the white willow tree have been known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Known by its biological classification name, Salix alba, white willow bark contains the chemical agent salicin, which is closely related to salicilic acid, the active agent in aspirin. White willow bark is often consumed as a tea, brewed from dried bark.


Pycnogenol, a compound extracted from the bark of pine trees of the species Pinus pinaster atlantica, is rich in flavonoids and has been shown to have certain cortisol-like effects. In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, pycnogenol also has the cortisol-like properties of regulating blood glucose and lowering blood pressure through its ability to relax blood vessels. Pycnogenol is available as a supplement in the form of powder or pill.


Flaxseed is rich in both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and can help lower blood sugar, or glucose, according to a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. The primary active agent in flaxseed is alpha linolenic acid, a form of the omega-3 fatty acid family. The cortisol-mimicking effects of flaxseed can be obtained with either whole flaxseed or flaxseed oil.

Vitamins A, D and E, Selenium and Zinc

Antioxidant vitamins A, D and E along with the nutrients selenium and zinc have all been shown to have roles in regulating the immune system and should be considered as nutritional requirements to support this important function of cortisol. Broccoli, carrots and tomatoes are good sources of vitamin A and zinc. Vitamin D is presented in fortified milk and can be produced within the skin when exposed to adequate sunlight. Vitamin E can be found naturally in wheat germ, sunflower seeds and avocado. Selenium is found in seafood and meat.

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Cure Your Allergies Permanently

How I Cured My Allergies for Good —
and How You Can, Too

"If you suffer from allergies, I feel your pain. For most of my life, I had allergies that made me miserable. I’d start each day with two packs of Kleenex, but I’d run out by late afternoon and end up going to nearby bathrooms to blow my nose on toilet paper, paper towels…anything. My nose would get so raw from constant wiping that it hurt to touch it."

When in public, I’d make it a point to sit away from others, because when I blew my nose, people would wince, thinking I was making them sick. In college, I remember being out on dates and having sneezing fits so bad, I’d have to go home early. And when I became a doctor, my intense allergy symptoms were especially embarrassing. I’d blow my nose so often that my patients asked if I was feeling alright!

I thought I’d be stuck with my allergies for life. After all, my mother and grandmother had allergies their entire lives. Since the problem was hereditary, I assumed there was nothing I could do about it. Thankfully, I was wrong.

After years of research, I found a cure for my allergies. And I cured them for good. In fact, for the last 25 years, I haven’t had a single allergic reaction to anything. Nothing bothers me anymore — pollen, pets, dust, foods — nothing.
Not only that, but I’ve used this same cure to treat hundreds of my patients. And they got the same results too. No more allergy medicine. No more sneezing, watery eyes, or runny noses. No more having to stay indoors on a sunny spring day. My allergy remedy doesn’t just get rid of symptoms; it cures them permanently, by fixing the underlying cause.

The Cause of Allergies

So what is the cause of allergies? Allergies are simply your immune system overreacting to substances in the environment. So the best way to stop allergies is to fix the mechanism that controls this overreaction.
What is this control mechanism? It is a hormone produced by your adrenal glands, called cortisol.

You may have heard of cortisol. It’s best known as the hormone your body produces when you’re under stress. But cortisol is much more than just a stress hormone. In fact, one of the primary functions of cortisol is to regulate your immune system.

When your body’s making the right amount of cortisol, your immune system hums like a well-oiled machine. But when your body makes too much or too little, problems arise. Too much cortisol results in a weakened immunity. (That’s why you’re more prone to catch a cold when you’re under stress.) And too little cortisol results in an overactive immune system that releases histamine and other inflammatory substances, causing allergic symptoms such as pain, fever, sneezing, itching, and more.

What Causes This Deficiency?

As I mentioned earlier, cortisol is made by the adrenal glands. When
your adrenal glands are strong, they produce plenty of cortisol. But when the adrenal glands are overstressed, they become fatigued, and cortisol production plummets.

Unfortunately, this is very common in today’s world. With today’s 24/7 lifestyle, people are under constant stress. Their adrenal glands work overtime to pump more and more stress hormones. This continues day after day, month after month, year after year, until finally the adrenals become exhausted. It’s no wonder that more people have allergies today than ever before!

The good news is that in over 90% of cases, adrenal fatigue is not permanent. In fact, you can restore your adrenals to perfect health in as little as 90 days! All you have to do is take remedies that strengthen them, while at the same time giving your adrenals a chance to rest and rebuild. I give you complete instructions on how to do it in my nextreport.

By the way, if you already know you have weak adrenals and have been unsuccessful at re-building them, you’ll really love this report. Why? Because it reveals the “missing link” that most alternative doctors leave out when they prescribe an adrenal support plan.

Find out all about it in your free report. Then get ready to start your new life — a life where you can do what you want without having to worry about sneezing, sniffling, and itching.